
Meet Tammy Fender

Meet Tammy Fender, a world-renowned ​holistic skin guru who is passionate ​about sharing her love of the holistic ​lifestyle, embracing natural beauty, and ​utilizing pure plant remedies. Our team ​at The Willcox is beyond thrilled to be ​partnering with her this season as we ​bring her practices and products to ​Aiken for our guests and visitors to enjoy.

While she was here with us earlier this ​month, Tammy created a meditation ​specific for The Willcox and she ​completed hands-on training with our ​staff that we’re excited to show you ​when you visit with us.



Equestrian Season

Equestrian Season Returns to Aiken: In Conversation with Neil Morris

The sun is just starting to tint the lower horizon of the sky with ​subtle hints of oranges and pinks; ​the grass is covered in dew from ​the cool evening air; all is quiet ​around Aiken as residents are ​catching a few more minutes of sleep before beginning their ​busy days. It’s a peaceful time of morning all throughout town ​except for at the Aiken Training ​Track, where the days start early as trainers, jockeys, and ​horses prepare for the spring ​steeplechase season.

Neil Morris, a world-renowned ​Steeplechase trainer, is out at ​Aiken Training Track this year with over two dozen horses from across the globe to train. He’s trained for 30 years, mainly in Virginia, but has spent the off- season in Aiken as he gears up for another season of racing. The milder winter weather made our town the ideal place for him and his horses compared to Virginia, where the ground may be too frozen to train in January and February.

Tina McCarthy had the opportunity to sit down with Neil one afternoon, after the training for the day was complete, to learn more about his history. Tune in to meet Neil!